Kentucky Horsepower
The official podcast of the Kentucky Automobile Dealers Association. Representing Kentucky's automobile dealers since 1938.
Kentucky Horsepower
Electronic Titling & Registration - What's on the Horizon
August 15, 2023
We recently sat down with Dave Spencer and Doug Pillow of Vitu, and LT Slater of CHAMPtitles.
Together, they comprise the team that is working to bring electronic titling and registration to the dealers of Kentucky.
Vitu is an expert in electronic titling and registration nationwide, and it is their interface dealers will use at the dealership. CHAMPtitles is a software development company that is working directly with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to ensure all dealer information is transferred correctly. Through their partnership, these seamless electronic transactions will be possible.
Listen as we chat about what this entire process looks like now, where it's headed, and what this means for you at your dealership.